Mya-dorable! 26 December

safety firstMya was excited to put her tracks together again today, so I sat and watched her build – and when asked, helped with a couple trickier parts. She puts these together all on her own very well and it is such a joy to watch her construct her tracks and push her train around them making the occasional “choo-choo” and all!

Mya-dorable! 25 December

A special day deserves a few more than one photo, don’t you think? This was the first year that Mya really understood what was going on with Christmas. The first time she’s really ripped into gifts with gusto and played with them with this much enthusiasm. It was a day of love, and giggles, and most of all family…

Christmas morning tree

Mya woke up very excited to go downstairs and see the tree… This was her expression when she saw that there were a LOT more presents under it than when she went to sleep!

Merry Christmas!

“Merry Christmas!” she exclaims, SO excited to start opening gifts!

new train tracksShe played ALL day and went from one new toy to the next! Here she is wearing her new Dr scrub top, while playing with her new train tracks, right out of the box! This got a lot more elaborate after I joined in with her too!

Have a Merry Christmas to all, may it be joyous and full of laughter and love!

Mya-dorable! 24 December

hot cocoaA new Christmas Even tradition is opening our Family North Pole box filled with goodies for everyone… This year we are doing hot chocolate and some movies, and of course books and PJ’s! Mya just loved her little mug filled with cocoa and whipped cream she couldn’t wait to grab it and devour her treat!

Mya-dorable! 23 December

First time wrapperMya and I were talking about Christmas, and giving, about presents, etc. She excitedly exclaimed “Presents for my friends Mama?” And who was I to argue (after all she only has a couple of very close friends here). So off to the toy store we went where she picked out something for each of her friends.

We just got to wrapping today, and she wrapped them all up – so excited to give them out! I have to admit, I did very little by way of helping with this whole project and she is just all lit up over it too. I’m so glad she thought of doing this!

She looks like she is concentrating hard on keeping that paper folded over while she waits for me to hand her some tape. She *may* have put several pieces of tape elsewhere before she figured out how to tape the edges down!