Because when you haven’t eaten a lot when you feel sick – you want to help make some pizzas cause that always sounds good no matter how you are feeling! At least that’s what Mya was thinking…
When it is as nice a day out as you’ve seen in months, and your toddler is as stir crazy as you cause you’ve been house bound for the last 5 days sick – you bundle up, even if still in PJ’s, and you go on a walk! The fresh air did us both a […]
So the general rule is and always has been, no food in your room… When it’s like 3am and you’ve been sick w a wicked fever for days on end, you get cereal. In your room. At 3am. Cause that is what you asked for ever so nicely in a cute and sad sick voice […]
Check up time! She used to freak out at the little red light in the pulseox but now she is all good. She takes her toy’s blood pressure all the time too… Such a Doc Mcstuffins fan… lol.