Jenna Danelle Photographer » Wedding Photography for Passionate People...

Melissa + Rick ~ Married!

Melissa took a deep breath in, and very slowly let it out. It seemed obvious she was a tiny ball of nerves on her wedding day, but it was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, and all was going as planned… With a small exception, the Groom was on his way already and the girls still hadn’t finished getting ready. She was on a mission to have the perfect day, calm and collected, she was ready to face anything, except for her first look with her Groom…

Rick and the guys were almost here! Mellisa and the girls did a champagne toast, the maid of honor read the most heartwarming speech, and they got Melissa in her dress! They cried, they laughed…

Rick shows up looking like a ROCKSTAR, suit slung over his shoulder, shades on, cell phone to his ear… The guys were pumped up and ready to go, all smiles. I gave them instructions on where they could get ready, and hang out at while the girls finished up. After everyone was ready to go we went to set up the first look. A lot of smiles, deep breaths, and nervous looks were to be had as Melissa walked up behind Rick… This was it… this is the moment I often look forward to the most because it is so heartfelt, full of emotion and love!

As she placed her hand on his shoulder and he turned around to see her for the first time, I could see the tears in his eyes. They embraced, laughed, kissed, spun around, hugged, kissed some more… And after a while they turned to me, ready to go, looking more confident and happy than I had seen them all day. Yup, these two amazing, strong, loving people, were truly stronger together – ready to take on the world, and that is what they will do, together, for the rest of their lives. Love, laugh, live…

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