Jenna Danelle Photographer » Wedding Photography for Passionate People...

Stephanie + Cody Married!

The birds singing in the mid afternoon sunlight caught my attention… Green, lush, trees swayed in the warm breeze… After settling in at the ceremony site, I hear the laughter of Stephanie arriving with the girls and so the day began… All smiles, radiant, and positively gorgeous, Stephanie gives me a sweet smile and a hug. She seems very confident, like nothing could shake her. I’m telling you, this girl is fearless!

As we drew closer to the ceremony, the guys arrive. Cody was all smiles. I mean ALL smiles! I could tell he was ready to see his bride to be! Family gathered and soon the place was buzzing with laughter and the chatting of old friends and family catching up and commenting on how much they were looking forward to the wedding.

The ceremony was set up to be in the gardens out back, and I had started to take some detail shots outside… I noticed how quiet it had gotten. Clouds were rolling in. In Florida, afternoon showers are a norm, so I wasn’t worried as it starts to pour. But I can’t say the same for Stephanie…

As the rain becomes more and more torrential, I hear one of the girls saying assuredly to Stephanie that rain is good luck on your wedding day. I had to smile. You see, it isn’t just something they say to make to Bride feel better… It’s true! ๐Ÿ˜€ Rain symbolizes cleansing, a new beginning, and some say that it is good luck because of the idea that you are “tying the knot” and a wet knot is harder to untie! No matter what the folklore behind it all may be, the truth is, a little water wasn’t about to ruin or stop these two lovebirds from uniting and having a beautiful wedding day!

Sure enough, the sun came out full force long enough for the ceremony and it was lovely! Everything sparkled from the rain drops, and there was music in the trees from the rain on the foliage below. Stephanie and Cody said their I do’s and had a touching sand ceremony. The reception hall was alight with a sparkle of it’s own, complete with a candy bar and bubbles! And the rain didn’t start back up until everyone was enjoying themselves at the reception!

Stephanie and Cody have a lot of love and laughter in their lives, and if their wedding day is any indication of the fun, strength, and determination, that they will share throughout their marriage, they are in for the time of their lives! Congratulations to you both! I hope that you will look back on this day and remember how the clouds broke and the sun came out when you said your vows… How the beauty of the day and that moment when you said I do came together and shined, just as the two of you do when you are together!

To see more of Stephanie and Cody, see their engagement session here!

nakia - September 28, 2011 - 1:01 am

absolutely amazing! i so wanted a nice older car…. and this is exactly why! wtg!

chris hall - September 28, 2011 - 1:27 am

absolutely amazing photos! You took alot of time to really get to know your subjects and it shows in every photo. Thanks for doing such a great job.

Jes Hart - September 28, 2011 - 3:39 am

These are so beautiful. Stunning shots! Truly in awe. Congrats to the two newlyweds

Kim + Kevin = Adorable Maternity Session, Florida

I have the honor of becoming a true family photographer for this wonderfully kind, and fun loving couple! They were among the first Jenna Danelle couples, I shot their engagement session and wedding, and now I am so proud to announce that I am getting to document a spectacular event, baby on the way! ๐Ÿ˜€

Kim was positively glowing, she wears pregnant beautifully and is going to make an a amazing mom! Kevin was so very proud, and had this proud father to be grin the whole session. Working with them was effortless as it always is – the love that these two share shows through every photograph.

I can’t wait until baby arrives and I can share with you the adorable goodness she’s going to bring, cause this little girl is going to shine! Congratulations to Kim + Kevin!

This is 52 Project week 32.

Fridays Fabulous Finds ~ Beach Centerpieces

Beach weddings are very popular here in Florida, but for every couple, the themes vary widely and the meaning behind them are just as unique. I hear a lot of couples wanting some fresh ideas for centerpieces that reflect beach themes and so I have found some fun and fresh ideas for all!

1 ~ Take some greens, beach palms, a couple of awesome lanterns, and some sea shells and you have a great centerpiece. Can’t have candles at your reception site? If it is in the daytime – no one is going to know the difference – if not, try these little gems! You can also find good deals on non flame tea lights on

2 ~ One of the things I think of when I think beach is the boardwalk. This of course reminds me for some reason of this awesome treat – cotton candy! Make it a centerpiece your guest can enjoy later. Customizable to your wedding colors and even more awesome, spin it onto swizzle sticks – you can even get your own machine to make this anytime you want! Learn more options here.

3 ~ I know that luminaries are not a new idea – but add some shells, maybe place them in a big pile of sand, and beach theme you have! You can also use the same flameless tea lights above to light them with!

4 ~ So this idea is of course a Martha Stewart creation – and it is for seating cards – but why not adapt this idea and make a centerpiece. You can write thank you notes for your guests, mini love letters or poems, or even some bath salts with a label to double as favors and an awesome fun centerpiece.

5 ~ Baby’s breath centerpieces are inexpensive and very pretty… They are light, airy, and perfect for beach theme weddings. These would be easy to duplicate with some items from a local craft store and a good amount of baby’s breath – which is very inexpensive. See more ideas here.

6 ~ Another take on a baby’s breath centerpiece, the addition of white birds and shells really round out this idea. As another alternative – you could create branch centerpieces with the same theme.

7 ~ Finally, a refreshing idea that is simple and functional. Get large ice tea jars with a spigot and fill it with flavored waters… You can fill them with citrus, herbs, even fruit!

*Please follow the links to see where these great ideas came from to include the wonderful photogs that created each photo!

Jennifer + Jeff ~ Married! Rockledge, FL

It was a long time coming, these two lovebirds finding one another after seventeen years, to be together and uniting their love in marriage! Jennifer and Jeff met back in 1994 in Ft. Walton Beach, she was on a break from college and he was in the Air Force. After two dates, they had made quite a lasting impression on one another, but somehow both of them, in returning to their daily lives, lost the others phone number. They often wondered what had happened to one another. Jeff had served in Desert Storm, and Jennifer had long since finished college… Somehow, both in time came to reside in Brevard County far from where they first had met…

Seventeen years later, in 2009, Jennifer had gone into a bank and noticed the name plate on the desk of the man helping her. The moment she mentioned his name, he recognized her and here I am today, with the great honor of capturing their wedding day! It was a long week, the wedding week, as we were threatened to be hit by a hurricane the day of the wedding! Thankfully it passed us off the coast and we didn’t notice much other than high tides and a bit of rain for a few hours. Overall, it was a beautiful day out!

The church was full of activity as they were getting ready on opposite sides of the church, family was buzzing about with lots of smiles and hugs to be had! The ceremony was amazing, Jennifer was beaming, and Jeff couldn’t stop smiling all day! It was simply put, stunning.

The red, black, and white reception hall sparkled, and as Jennifer and her Father went out on the floor to have the Father, Daughter Dance, we were all in for a great surprise when they broke out into a spectacular montage of dance moves with a mix of popular music throughout the years to include Mr. Roboto, Cotton-Eyed Joe, and more! It was a fun filled evening full of laughter and sweet moments.

I can’t tell you how much love stories like Jennifer and Jeff’s touch my heart! I wish the years to come bring you more memories together that you can cherish, because this, your wedding day, is only the beginning to a long and loving life together!

Ceremony held at: Suntree United Methodist Church
Reception was done at: The Tides

Week 31 of my 52 Project.

Friday’s Fabulous Finds ~ Mason Jars, take one.

I have a couple that I think just loves Mason Jars as much as I do! And I do love them! So to show off some of that love – I’m sharing just a small fraction of things you can do with them, in this week’s Fabulous Finds! Enjoy!

These cool flutes are inventive and affordable! Find them on amazon!

Because they are not just for canning anymore! Find out how to make this lighting fixture here.

What is more perfect than pie? Pie in a mason jar of course! Get this recipe!

And what goes great with pie in a mason jar? So glad you asked, because ice cream in a mason jar is a fantastic idea too!

I couldn’t end it any other way… Bride and Groom jars for toasting of course!

*Please follow the links to see where these great ideas came from to include the wonderful photogs that created each photo!