Jenna Danelle Photographer » Wedding Photography for Passionate People...

Stephanie + Cody Engaged! Sebastian, FL.

The first time I met Stephanie and Cody was at this session… Cody gets out of their pickup, and shakes my hand… He strikes me as the strong silent type, ever so slightly nervous about being in front of a camera. Maybe nervous isn’t the word… Apprehensive… He smiles as Stephanie comes up and she is simply glowing with excitement! It is so apparent the love Cody has for her, you can see it in the way he looks at her. And who wouldn’t!? She is so full of warmth, kindness, and is simply put, a super sweet gal! I immediately fell in love with the the love these two have and show for one another! ๐Ÿ˜€

It’s a warm day in Florida, but there is a bit of a breeze, the tall grass sways and the sound of the trees rustle around. It reminds me of lazy summer days spent at my Grandparents “farm” when I was little, just sitting outside with a mason jar of water and feeling the sun on my face. When they said they wanted a rustic location to do the session at, and sent me a photo of this place, I knew it was the most perfect spot ever and I wanted to shoot there so bad!!! So here we are, and it is perfect!

I learned that Stephanie and Cody are high school sweethearts, have a love for their dogs, they go hog hunting in their spare time, and they even work together! These two compliment one another in every way, and they were such a blast to work with, I hardly had to say a word! I simply can’t wait to shoot their wedding in a few weeks! And even by the end of the session Cody laughed and said how much fun he had! ๐Ÿ˜€ Yay! I just love my couples!

This is week 30 of my 52 Project.

Friday’s Fabulous Finds ~ The Fun + Fabulous Disposable Camera

A dear friend of mine recently got me this amazing little treat – the “wish you were here!” single use camera!!! Admittedly I did a little *happy dance* and *squee* and, well, you get the idea. This is a little piece of indulgent heaven for the “serious” photographer (um, not that I’m at all “serious” and what’s with all the “” anyway?!) lol.

I can’t wait to use it and I just had to share this fun camera with you! So, why is it so fun? Take a look at the back of the box… that’s right folks, it imprints these fun little scenes right onto your photo! It even tells you what exposure each one is on so you can plan for some really fun and creative shots! It will take me a while to get through all of them I’m sure – as I just HAVE to have some fun with it all – but I’ll be sure to eventually share them as a 52 project post sometime!

So where can you get one? Urban Outfitters has them, and they are a limited time buy so go snag one before they are all gone!!! Happy shooting! (Photos, silly… Photos!)


nakia - August 24, 2011 - 2:10 am

this looks and sounds wayyy cool! never heard of these! =) happy snapping! Fashion Shoot ~ Vero Beach, FL

A fellow wedding industry associate, wedding planning and florist guru Lara of Laras Themes, has now opened up her own Wedding Salon in Vero Beach and I was lucky enough to do a photo shoot with her to showcase one of her amazing gowns! Nakia, my model, and I headed down early to get her hair and makeup done, complements of Mark’s At the Pointe Salon & Boutique. If you ever have a chance to go there, they are amazing, super friendly, and it is a very relaxed, spa like salon. Check them out! Rosemary did Nakia’s hair and makeup and it turned out just gorgeous!

We had a fabulous time doing this shoot. Lara has a great selection of gowns, she is a wedding planner and florist as well, so really, it’s a one stop shop for your whole wedding. Go visit her in her new shop, with hand painted floors, and crystals abound, you will enjoy your time there for sure!

This is week 29 of my 52 Project.

Friday’s Fabulous Finds


The Le Blanc Spa Resort in Cancun has a complimentary wedding package that I just had to share for those of you looking for something tropical, gorgeous, and affordable! Don’t forget to call me to do your photography, I’m passport ready and would LOVE to shoot your destination wedding!!! See more details here!


*Please follow the links to see where these great ideas came from to include the wonderful photogs that created each photo!

Meet Sea World’s newest Dance team member! ~ Space Coast, FL

Meet Stacey! I am proud to announce she is the newest dancer at Sea World, FL. But besides this amazing accomplishment (and believe you me, it isn’t an easy job by any means – you have to be in amazing shape and be an incredible dancer to qualify) she is a dear friend that is a ton of fun and has a huge heart! We got together for a session so she could put together her comp card prior to her being hired on at Sea World and we just had fun with it!

I couldn’t help it – I had to have her model for me… She is really good at it! ๐Ÿ˜€

This is my “dreamer” photo – and easily on of my favs! She just looks so peaceful and gorgeous…

And then this is Stacey’s favorite – understandably – it is SO Stacey! She is just full of energy and doing what she loves – dancing around!

So after a fun filled day of photos – I couldn’t help but snap a couple of “paparazzi” shots! She just looked like a movie star getting into her car and some pesky photog just caught her on camera! Hahaha, good thing it was just me! ๐Ÿ˜€

I hope you enjoyed week 28 of my 52 project!