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Friday’s Fabulous Finds ~ Something Borrowed

Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.

So part three in this series is something borrowed. Now this seems simple, and it really is, because once all your friends and family know you are getting married – someone will usually offer the something borrowed. It is meant to be an item from a happily married friend or family member, whose happiness and fortune in marriage is to carry over to the new bride. It also is a reminder that you have friends and family that you can depend on. It is sentimental, and don’t forget that once you borrow the item, you do need to give it back, or it isn’t borrowed at all… ๐Ÿ˜€

The photo above was a borrowed item from this Bride’s Grandmother, and it was the sweetest story ever! These stories and memories are what makes a wedding day all the more special, so don’t forget this part of the tradition if you are going to take part. You may find out about something from a friend or family member that will bring even more meaning into your day. Check back next week for my FAVORITE of all pinterest boards – Something BLUE!

Friday’s Fabulous Finds ~ Something New

Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.

So to go into this series a little further, you guessed it – we have to cover something new! Of course that could be ANYTHING you want it to be! “Something new” means optimism and hope for the bride’s new life ahead.

Grooms – this is a chance to chime into this tradition by getting your bride a gift she can incorporate into the wedding day, on your wedding day, something that symbolizes your love and future together perhaps… It is good to let her know ahead of time you will be providing the “something new” so she doesn’t have to worry about it.

Of course a lot of brides say that the wedding gown often plays this role, as it is to represent your new life ahead, feel free to think outside the box on this one. So here are a few fun ideas on what you can do for your something new. See the full Something New Inspiration Board here.


*Please follow the link to this pinterest board to see where these great ideas came from to include the wonderful photogs that created each photo!

Melissa + Rick ~ Married!

Melissa took a deep breath in, and very slowly let it out. It seemed obvious she was a tiny ball of nerves on her wedding day, but it was a gorgeous day, the sun was shining, and all was going as planned… With a small exception, the Groom was on his way already and the girls still hadn’t finished getting ready. She was on a mission to have the perfect day, calm and collected, she was ready to face anything, except for her first look with her Groom…

Rick and the guys were almost here! Mellisa and the girls did a champagne toast, the maid of honor read the most heartwarming speech, and they got Melissa in her dress! They cried, they laughed…

Rick shows up looking like a ROCKSTAR, suit slung over his shoulder, shades on, cell phone to his ear… The guys were pumped up and ready to go, all smiles. I gave them instructions on where they could get ready, and hang out at while the girls finished up. After everyone was ready to go we went to set up the first look. A lot of smiles, deep breaths, and nervous looks were to be had as Melissa walked up behind Rick… This was it… this is the moment I often look forward to the most because it is so heartfelt, full of emotion and love!

As she placed her hand on his shoulder and he turned around to see her for the first time, I could see the tears in his eyes. They embraced, laughed, kissed, spun around, hugged, kissed some more… And after a while they turned to me, ready to go, looking more confident and happy than I had seen them all day. Yup, these two amazing, strong, loving people, were truly stronger together – ready to take on the world, and that is what they will do, together, for the rest of their lives. Love, laugh, live…

Friday’s Fabulous Finds ~ Something old…

Something old, something new
Something borrowed, something blue
And a silver sixpence in her shoe.

We’ve all heard this one before if we have ever been to, in, or planning a wedding. The poems origin is thought to be from Victorian Britain. Each item is a good-luck token for the bride. I know, I know, for you brides out there that know me, luck has nothing to do with it if you ask me… However, this tradition stems from something POSITIVE, so I can embrace this one. ๐Ÿ˜€

“Something old” symbolizes continuity with the bride’s family and the past. And this is what we will cover in today’s Fabulous Find! Of course it helps if you have an item that is from your families past, but does it have to be? No, for sure it does not. So with that in mind, take a look at some great ideas on my “something old” board!


*Please follow the link to this pinterest board to see where these great ideas came from to include the wonderful photogs that created each photo!

Friday’s Fabulous Finds ~ Cranberry Love

The holidays draw near, and one of my favorite colors and themes this year is cranberries! I don’t know why these pretty little red jewels delight me so much but they do, and of course, in recent grand tradition I had to make a board all about cranberries! Take a look at some fun and fabulous ideas, from garters to jewels, centerpieces, to makeup ideas. To see the full board click here. Enjoy and Happy Veterans day, thank you to all the men and women who serve this country and to the families that serve with them!


*Please follow the link to this pinterest board to see where these great ideas came from to include the wonderful photogs that created each photo!