Mya-dorable! 11 December

line Markers are not just for coloring, didn’t you know?! She was having so much fun today lining up the markers, then the caps. I was impressed. I just love how kiddos use their imaginations to come up with more than one use for an object all the time.

Mya-dorable! 10 December

I got a book!Library time is an important part of our week, well, we try to go every week… “I got a book mama!” She runs to the chair with her new find and immediately sits to “read” her new book and stays there happily for a while just taking it all in. “Whale!” She exclaims! We are still working on “library voice” which she can do in theory but in practice, when excited, is another story…

Mya-dorable! 9 December

hammer hammer hammer-4Mya LOVES her KinderJam class and getting to play with the rhythm sticks is a favorite of hers. We sing the “sticks on the bus” and she has, from day one, been really good at the “hammer, hammer, hammer” part.

Mya-dorable! 8 December


“Come with me, Mama! Come with me!” She repeats this a few times as she excitedly grabs onto my hand and pulls me through the house, into the pantry, then jumps up and down pointing at a bag of M&M’s hidden on a top pantry shelf… Hahahaha! She has a sixth sense when it comes to chocolate!